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Just keep swimming!


Ready to test the waters?

1-on-1 coaching with me will help you find clarity on what you want (in your career and in life), and then get further clear on how to get there with a concrete action plan and tools to stay accountable to that plan. 

Butterfly Effect Coach

Coaching believes no one size fits all. 


We each have goals and plans that are unique to us. 


Hence, no one coaching package fits all either.


Let's have a 10-minute chat to understand what you need and find you the package that will work for you!


Need another push into the beautiful waters? Read the testimonials below.

Thanks for submitting!

Kakoli Das


I have found tremendous value right from the first one hour that I spent with you. You helped me unlock a sense of clarity that I did not think I was capable of. I walked away from the session with clarity in my mind about my goal and an execution plan as well, detailed with steps. You also helped me brainstorm on possible derailers and make a plan accordingly. You were brilliant, and I look forward to working with you more on specific goals. Can't wait to create massively from the space of clarity.

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